product code
No ground coffee Basket
Transparent ground coffee Basket
Smoked ground coffee Basket
Standard bean hopper
Transparent tall bean hopper (510 gr.)
Smoked bean hopper (300 gr.)
All-purpose adjustable Hands-Free fork
Sistema easy setting
RE-SET data
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    Our Plus
    Stepless Micrometric Regulation System (patented by Eureka)
    Patented by Eureka, it assures incomparable setting precision and saving of time and coffee.

    The micrometric system with infinite adjustment points, the only one based on the lower burr repositioning, guarantees incomparable grinding performances and allows to carry out maintenance operations without losing the grinding setting.

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    Diamond Inside Burrs

    Burrs with a superior crystal structure thanks to our patented process.

    Blow Up System

    "The mechanism" eliminating the retention with a blow.

    Easy Setting System

    This system eases the grinding degree regulation by showing the whole range of grinding techniques.

    "High Speed" Grind Dispersion

    The "High Speed" label marks those grinders able to reach highly reduced dispensing time.

    Espresso & Brew

    Special burrs design suitable both for Espresso and all the varieties of Filter.